Saturday, 24 September 2011

Too Brainy To Be In Church?

This picture forms kind of a theme, with the previous 2 pics i've shown.

This week i read that evangelicals (those most often associated with the rigid legastic style of 'faith') have smaller brains than both non-religious people, and people of less rigid denominations.

The don't think it's really about brains shrinking. I just think it's the result of excluding brainy people by effectively saying "you're too smart to be in our church".

[Photo courtesy of Crummy Church Signs]

Saturday, 17 September 2011

Narrow-minded? Apparently Not Enough

At a time when Christians suffer from a negative perception of being intolerant towards different views, what possesses a church put out a message like this?

They might as well say "Do you think Christians are too narrow-minded? Well we're actually striving to be even less accepting of others."

Combined with last week's attack on reason, it puts out a message that says "We have a completely unreasonable view - and we're too pig-headed to change it". Is this the gospel of Jesus? I don't think so. Sounds more like the pharisees to me.

[Photo courtesy of Crummy Church Signs]

Saturday, 10 September 2011

Did God Give Us Brains?

There's a sad stereotype that Christians have 'blind faith' and swallow anything said by a preacher / religious orgnaisation. That using your brain is incompatible with following Jesus.

I say it's sad because for people who like using their brain, the stereotype can be a barrier to Jesus.

What's sadder is that the church itself helps perpetuate this myth with shocking signs like this one.

Saturday, 3 September 2011

What If Go Meant Go

Brilliant video clip from the Foursquare Church

What if we did 'Go' as Jesus commanded? What if we spent less time stressed out by ineffective church fluff - and more time following Jesus?