Monday, 9 April 2012

Aussies OK with Jesus

That was an article headline this Easter weekend by Perth's Sunday Times. The lead stat is that 8 in 10 people accept Jesus died on the cross. But there's more to it than that.

Why is this news? Most likely because it's a surprising stat in an environment of decreasing attendance at (or interest in) churches. The survey reported 1 in 13 people (6%) attending church regularly.

Often as church, we blame low attendance on a supposed predominantly secular society, but that view is "not accurate" according to the research. So why do only 6% attend church if 80% believe Jesus died on the cross?

"The research shows people are fine with Jesus, but they have issues with the church. They like the product but they don't like the retail outlet." - Mark McCrindle (researcher).

There are a few questions that spring to mind:
  • Isn't there something wrong when church's image is so different to that of Jesus?
  • Should we ask ourselves why church turns off 74 of 80 Jesus-believers?
  • Will there be a time when we move beyond the 'bums on seats' mentality? (Both as a way of measuring someone's faith, and as our only way of reaching people)

What do you think? I think it's a classic example of black box theory.

[Links: news article]

Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Turning Off Spiritual Seekers

A facebook friend of mine is looking at Buddhism. He posted some comments on facebook about the things that he liked about it - along with some short summaries of other religions (or at least their followers). He had this to say about Christians:

Christian - Do as I say or go to hell. Read this one book, it tells you everything. Pity those who don't know, try and save them.
I guess there are two questions for us.
1. Does this describe me, or my fellow Christians?
2. If not, then is this opinion an indication that we are spending too much time in those 'holy huddles' and not interacting with the rest of society?

(Also, it reminds me of some of the stuff in unChristian.)