Tuesday, 22 December 2009

"Losing My Religion"

Caught a podcast from ABC radio. Tom Frame (author of "losing my religion") was being interviewed about the lack of 'religion' in Australia. Some very interesting discussion points, including:

- There is a general 'crisis' of belonging not restricted to churches. It also affects political parties, sporting organisations, rotary clubs etc.

- There's been more change in the last 20-30 years than almost in all of Christian history. The church has not been ready for what happened. Things happened in the 60s, churches didn't realise it until the 80s, started measuring it in the 90s, and now they are beginning to formulate a response.

- People who were faithful pew-sitters for 30 years, switched off their brains, and then were invited to switch them on again in the 90s.... those who don't like the uncertainty and confusion retreat to an infallible book or infallible church.

- The lack of credibility of churches/denominations who refuse to accept the basics of science (for example).

It's a fairly interesting discussion, but what does the church do about all this???

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