Being the science-type myself, i have constructed a much smaller theory that (for now) i will call pink box theory. It doesn't explain everything, but is useful for illustrating a lot of my thoughts. Best of all it has a really simple diagram.

It's a basic Venn diagram representing society. The oval shape represents the people who believe in God, and value the ideas of Jesus as good concepts to live by. The pink box represents, well .. let's say 'churchgoers'. So what do we notice about the diagram:
1. The Pink Box is far smaller the Green Area
Religion is a question in the census. In my area, there are over 8000 Christians, but only 7 churches of 100 or less. The national stats are Christians 72% Churchgoers 9%.
2. People can be in the Green without being in the Pink Box
Despite the tendency of some churches to draw a straight line between pew-sitting and holiness, Jesus never called anyone to weekly attendance in a pointy-roofed building. In fact some of the people he criticised the most were the most 'religious' - and some of the people he had the most respect for were the people who were turned away by the religious folk.
I'll talk more about Pink Box theory in future entries (see here) because it does help explain a great deal of things. But for now i just wanted to introduce the concept.
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