Friday, 17 September 2010

Gruen Part 2

Yesterday, i looked at the Gruen Transfer's analysis of religious advertising. Ironically, one of the most pertinent comments came in the (unrelated) next segment of the show. This segment focussed on a new online provider of electronic goods - who is taking market share away from the traditional stores like Harvey Norman.

The pertinent comment was this one from Russel Howcroft:
It's the clicks-versus-bricks thing. His entire empire is based on its real estate, its property, its warehouses. Then someone comes along who actually doesn't have any of the burden of all that cost. It's a young man with a 21st century business model - so he's like "Ooh, hang on a sec - what's going on here".

Sound familiar? An old-style empire based on owning lots of land and buildings, laden with a cumbersome cost-burden.

OK, in the church's case there may not be a major new competitor, but the lesson is still there to be learnt. Instead of waiting (like Harvey did) for someone else to outdo us in a manner that is more engaging, relevant and effective - why don't we do it first?

1 comment:

Paul Clark said...

Very incisive David, i think you are right. I remember thinking something about it at the time but then completely forgot about it!

Talk about stretch us waaayyyy out of our comfort zone!