Monday, 31 January 2011

Happiness - Church Or Friends?

A new survey shows that frequent church attenders are happier than less frequent attenders.

But is it due to church? The authors suggest it's more about the friends.
Our evidence shows that it is not really going to church and listening to sermons or praying that makes people happier, but making church-based friends and building social networks there

One-third of frequent attenders (with 3-5 close friends at church) were "extremely satisfied" with their lives. This increases to 40%, for those with 11 or more friends at church. Churchgoers with no close friends at church are less happy than those who don't attend at all.

Overall, one would have to conclude that church itself makes people unhappy, but having close Christian friends more than compensates for it.

Perhaps this is what the writer of Hebrews realised when he talked about motivating one another to acts of love and good works, meeting together, and encouraging one another. Sounds like Christian friendship to me.

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