I could ask why this church feels the need to insult (or guilt) anyone passing by; or why (contrary to the gospel) they measure faith by church attendance. But instead i'm asking a different question - on behalf of the person their sign is aimed* at:
Why on earth should i come more than once?
I reckon any church should be able to answer this question. "Holiday attenders" won't ask it out loud, but that's what buzzing around in their head. Our answer should be evident on Easter (or any other) Sunday.
Instead we give them no answer - or even 1hr 34 mins worth of reasons to stay home next year. It's quite bizarre to plead with people to attend, only to then deter them from ever returning. To berate people for not showing up, only to then behave as if we want them to keep away.
Until such time as we can articulate (and demonstrate) the answer to their question, we should change our sign to something more positive, while we consider what it means to love our neighbour.
* - yes i use the word "aimed" deliberately. More and more church signs are being used as (verbal) weapons, rather than a means to communicate the gospel.
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