Friday, 1 July 2011

Missional Church

You may have seen clips like this on the internet - that explain the basic gist of an idea, often using diagrams.

This one explains the concept of missional church.
In the past past churches have spent large amounts of resources to construct the most attractive place imaginable. Inviting people became synonymous with evangelism.

The people who came seemed relatively similar. Eventually someone asked the question "What about all the people who aren't like us?"
Sounds like Black Box Theory ;)
Alternatively, the missional church...
empowers its members to be the church in the community. The church trains resources and encourages and challenges its people to live out the good news in their community.

The church recognises the every believer embodies the life of the church in their neighbourhood, at their school, or at their place of work. Each one of them telling God's story in the context of genuine compassionate relationships.

Sounds a lot more Jesus-like to me.

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