Millenials (called 'Generation Y' in Australia) are definitely disappearing from the church landscape. I have my doubts as to whether this can be changed by a downloadable word document. Perhaps the church needs to download a change of heart.

70% by age 22 is an astounding stat, and there are two main reactions to it:
1. Church is perfect. These stats show just how [insert negative stereotype] young people are. It just proves how right we are to ignore this generation in all we do. End of discussion.
2. Hang on. 7 in 10 young Christ-followers will leave church in their next few years? What does this say about us as a church? Are we fully following Jesus? If we are turning off young Christians (with a different culture) then how much of what we do is Gospel and how much is cultural? Do we value what Jesus values, or or just the things that older generations value?
Option 1 is more comfortable, with less self-examination required, but i think option 2 serves us (and God) better.