Sunday, 4 December 2011

Paul's Baptism

Last year i started following the group Be The Church. They were donating money to TEAR for each person who (facebook) followed them that month.

Now they've just put up photos of Paul's Baptism:

I have no idea who Paul is, but it strikes me as the kind of baptism i would want (if i was being baptised). As well as being a lot more like what Jesus did, it seems a lot more of a momentus occasion than taking 2 minutes out of a sunday worship to have someone rub a damp finger on your forehead - and then straight back to the normal program. (Why do we turn meaningful events into automated processes? I'm not sure.)
ps. check out the day's full set of photos - it seems the baptism was the centrepiece of a day of celebration for the church/community.

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