Friday, 10 February 2012

Valentine's Day - The Big Mistake

Speaking of turning off young adults, here's one that's not in the book.

Valentine's Day sermons

In an effort to be relvant, some preachers give the impression that no secular day can pass without being worked into a sermon. And what better example than Feb 14? It's got something to do with love. God's about love. Instant sermon!

On any other sunday, a preacher might talk of the 4 different Greek words for love - and distinguish romantic-love from God's "agape" love - but not this week. However, that's not the big issue. Here's what happens - at least as far as i see it...

In preacher-land, romantic love is associated with celebrating 30 years of marriage. Someone who is always there, hearing your concerns and cares about them. Someone who may anger or confuse you at times, but who you know loves you. Someone who you are getting to know better with each passing year... Put like that, it sounds a bit like God, and so the preacher goes with that metaphor - without thinking any wider.

Over in young adult land, some are dating. Some have their love repeatedly rejected. Some have broken up. Some dramatically so. Here are 3 recent examples of young adults i've met. Imagine their reaction to being told that "God's love is like that of a partner"

1. She and he were happy until she was pregnant. He started an affair with someone else. She was abandoned to raise their child alone.

2. She and he were happy. She was going through a tough time. He seemed not to care at all. Months later they broke up. He told her she wasn't godly enough.

3. He and she were happy. He trusted her. Turned out she was lying to him, seeing other people behind his back, lying to his face and playing him for a fool.

If we met any of these people, there's no way we'd be heartless enough to say "God's love is like that of a partner". It'd be way too cruel - and a very bad representation of God. But for some reason we do exactly that from the pulpit each February!

Preacher, if you're reading this, hopefully it's not too late to change your sermon.

Young adult, if you're reading this, please forgive the preacher. He/she does not mean to come across as Mr Insensitive.

1 comment:

Bruce said...

Good one David. Yes, for years the church has been peddling one acceptable model for Christian life, and singleness or anything other than male-and-female traditional marriage plus the obligatory two kids is not part of it. Time for a bit of truth telling and looking around to see where others are at. Cheers