Based on the best-selling book, Blue Like Jazz opens in selected Australian cinemas next weekend. I caught an advance screening, and thoroughly recommend it - with 2 exceptions.
1. If you're under 13, it's probably not for you yet. It's rated PG-13 for a reason. (M in Australia)
2. This is not your standard Christian movie. If you're looking for a basic plot of 'person has (G-rated) sinful life, person is evangelised, person's life becomes a bed of roses' - this is not that movie.
However, if you like a movie that's both edgy and realistic, do check this out.
It's the story of Donald, the Texas Baptist-boy who faces a whole new world when he enters college and has to figure out what life and faith are all about. What does he really believe - and what's just the baggage of the 'sub-culture' he came from?
Donald meets some diverse characters and makes a mistake or two along the way - but it's a compelling journey. The trailer is interesting, but the synopsis gave me a better idea of what the movie is about.
It's the kind of movie that a non-Christian can see, but if you choose to see it with your church group, there's a bible study and various discussions guides to help you reflect on the deeper aspects of the movie.
As an added bonus, the website has a $5 coupon - for a discount on the cinema price.
PS. This is the movie that almost didn't get made. For reasons like those i mentioned at the beginning, traditional Christian movie companies turned their back on it. The only reason it became a movie was because thousands of fans of the book chipped in to get the movie made.
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