Monday, 31 May 2010

Family Sunday - Every Sunday

I'm on a few christian-based email lists. Along with some useful stuff, you get a few ads. This one's for a particular bible "curriculum" (could we make it sound any more like school?)

Isn't it a cracker? Who wouldn't want to buy a copy? Kids abandoning their ipods and x-boxes, to be absorbed by every word dad says about 2nd Thessalonians. So realistic and so completely believable. ;)

But enough about advertising. If you've read my thoughts on mother's day, or black box theory, then you might see where i'm headed here....

The thing is the slogan - and that churches do just that. Which is great if you're a family - and you're all Christians. But what if you're not?

What if you're the only Christian in your family? What if you're situation is not a stereotypical family one - you're separated or divorced, your spouse has passed away, you're a couple without children, you're a single person living with flatmates or by yourself, or your children have grown up and left home?

For the statistically-inclined, in my local area 54% of people over 19 are single. If you add in people who are divorced, separated or widowed, that number increases to 67%. And that doesn't even count childless couples, 'empty nesters', or people whose faith isn't shared by their family!

While sickly sweet photostock might tempt us into making "every sunday family sunday", I reckon we'd do better to reflect Jesus by bringing the gospel message to all people, regardless of whether they match the black box.

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