Respondents to our surveys believe Christians are trying, consciously or not, to justify feelings of moral and spiritual superiority.Our motives can be brought into question when we are more interested in condemning people, than in helping people become more like Jesus. As much as we talk about love, often we could show a bit more of it.
The author raises the question of whether we are "trying to please God, or polishing our holy credentials in front of fellow insiders?", whether "the reason Christians have lost their appeal to outsiders is they have lost passion for people outside the church?". With some shocking examples, he suggests that instead of seeing people's potential to follow Christ, we act as their spiritual judge and jury.
Tips for moving from rejection to respect included
- talk less, listen better
- don't label people
- don't pretend to be smart
- put yourself in the other person's place
- be genuine
- be a friend with no other motives
Another interesting quote came from Philip Yancey - "the opposite of sin is not virtue; it is grace".
So what's the opposite to Christians are prideful and quick to find faults in others. How about Christians show grace by finding the good in others and seeing their potential to be Christ followers.
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