Monday, 28 February 2011

10 Missional Prayers

I liked James White's collection of 10 Missional Prayers - in particular these ones:
  • That pastors would see other churches as a co-laborer, not as the competition.
  • That members of churches would see themselves as ministers and missionaries, as opposed to consumers.
  • That those committed to discipleship would quit pitting it against evangelism as if any emphasis on "reaching out" somehow takes away from "building up", creating a false dichotomy that doesn't exist biblically.
  • That older generations would quit worrying about being catered to sufficiently, and would become more interested in passing the baton on to the next generation.
  • That the false dichotomy between a concern for personal or sexual morality, and social justice, would evaporate.
  • That the pendulum between whether to share the gospel or engage in social ministry would also disappear. We are to give a cup of water and the bread of life, feeding both stomach and soul.
  • That we would understand that lost people are not the enemy.

The full, uneditted list can be found here.

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