He had a few good points to make, coming out of his experience in the not-for-profit sector, and in churches.
On relations between churches...
...there is a more important question to ask: How can churches work together? Far too many try to compete. They are limiting their impact by not reaching out to one another. I just don’t understand it.
About evangelism (using a sales analogy)...
The old model of sales was give the prospect a bunch of information and move in for the close. This is the EE (evangelism explosion) model. The most effective sales people today ask lots of questions, focus on understanding the needs of the buyer, and work to help the buyer make the best decision. Evangelism today is more about solidarity and doing life together than cramming information down people’s throats.
His one tip for churches...
Get out of the pulpit and out of the pew and into the communities in which we live. Rub shoulders with people who are different from you. Listen and learn from them. ... Churches need to empower and facilitate individuals to do ministry and focus less on accumulating staff positions that remove the congregation from ministry.
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