Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Investing For Life

Last week i was at an ethical investment / superannuation seminar. Turns out there's ethical investment that is "against" stuff (ie. it's just normal investment, but avoids cigarettes, alcohol and gambling companies (the "sin stocks"). But there's also ethical investment that looks at what would make the world a better place, and invests in companies that can make that happen.

This struck me as an interesting parable for living a life following Jesus. If we view our life as an investment (as Jesus did in one of his parables). We can duplicate the life of those around us - just subtracting x, y and z (because they are immoral) or we can focus on the positive things that Jesus is about - and help make them happen. One of these paints Christians as a bunch of people who are anti-everything, and the other gives people a glimpse of the kingdom of God.
ps. you might have noticed that this has been a bit of a recurring message to me recently - to be positive, or to be "for" something. It started a few weeks ago with the movie Chocolat where the townspeople measure holiness by what they avoid. Then in chapter 11 of Irresistible Revolution which talked about defining ourselves by what we are for - and that positivity and celebration is crucial in a world that is starving for joy.


Steve said...

Hi David, do you remember if any of the ethical funds stood out as looking particularly good?

david said...

Hi Steve,
I wasn't going to mention that, because i didn't intend for my post to come across as an advert for anyone. I wanted to focus on the analogy to life.

But if you're interested the seminar was by Australian Ethical. Apart from talking about their existing stuff, they also mentioned their latest development, the Climate Advocacy Fund.

The CAF seems a bit different in that it's less discerning. It invests in 'normal' companies but does so with a view to improving them (via shareholder action). Now that i think about it, that could almost be another lesson - about the grace of acceptance and redemption. One of the catchphrases for that fund is "Invest For Change". Which, in a way, is i guess what Jesus does in us.